About Us

Our Vision and Mission

To Know God: The best way to know God for ourselves is to follow Him. But we cannot follow Him like a friend on social media. If to know is to follow, to follow is to commit (Psalm 37:5). When we take the time To Learn of Him, we recognize that following God leads us to a path where He is (Psalm 23:3). When the tests of life arise, we have followed Him closely enough and learned of Him enough to be able To Apply the scriptures to every situation and circumstance (Psalm 119:105).
To Make Him Known- Once we become the type of sheep that follow the voice of The Shepherd, we know Him enough to want others to know Him too. We enjoy growing, developing, mentoring, and loving disciples of Jesus Christ. We follow for a purpose- to become fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Our bait is living. We don't hook our fishing lines with insects, but we tell our testimonies of how Jesus bought us and sought us with His redeeming blood. The best type of follower becomes worth following, and when we allow our lives to speak of the goodness of Jesus well before our words do, we begin To Proselytize.

Our Core Values

When something is described as “your core,” it is the essence of who you are, the DNA of your organization, and the fingerprint you leave behind when you go to a place.  When we commit ourselves to reclamation, we make it apparent who we are, what we believe, and what others should say about us after being in our presence.  As a church, we must never forget that our identity is found in the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16 - 17).  Our strength is found in the unity of our fervent prayers (James 5:16).  Our effectiveness is found in what we believe to be the core values of our church:
Holiness: In all that we do as we figure out our identity in Christ, we must remember that God created us in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26), and that He is a holy God. Though we are incapable of the perfection that characterizes our Holy Father, we are called to be sanctified from the world and choose a life of purity from all uncleanliness and unrighteousness (I Thessalonians 4:7). As we follow Christ, we make it our pleasure to walk pleasing in His sight, denying ourselves of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. We can only become faithful to God's Word when we commit ourselves to following God's commandment to be holy (Leviticus 20:26)
Credibility: Our lives must pattern the love and leadership of Jesus Christ. It is difficult for those who need to know Christ in the pardon of their sins to appreciate Him when they see His kingdom representatives saying one thing but doing another (James 1:8). We must be willing to walk in the integrity of Christ, meaning what we stand for, how we behave, and how we demonstrate the love of Christ to others must be on full display at all times, lest we find ourselves preaching a gospel that we do not live (Proverbs 10:9).
Authenticity: At the core of God's nature is His word. His word is truth; therefore He is truth (John 17:17). In his letter to the church in Thessalonica, Paul admonishes the parishioners that they are to walk worthy of God, realizing that the Word of God is not from man but from God Himself, which works effectively in us when we believe (1 Thessalonians 2: 12-13). The Bible also declares that it is the truth that makes us free (John 8:32). Authenticity is not a license to "go off the reel while being real"; rather, authenticity causes us to seek the truth about how God has purposed us to live holy and win disciples, and then minister from that truth in love. It will allow us to make connections but will cause them to be Godly, not carnal.
Growth Mindset: As long as we are living, there is more to learn about how to serve the Lord with our whole heart. Jesus shared with his disciples during the most active part of His public ministry that "greater works than these shall you do" and encouraged them to work until spiritual and moral revolutions took place (John 14:12). Most interestingly, growth is often sparked by motivation or inspiration within the kingdom, but is facilitated most often and most effectively by an internal drive to improve. This means no one can want for you what you must want for yourself. We must practice bettering ourselves in God so that we can be prepared for the work that must be done to win souls within the kingdom of God (1 Timothy 4:15).
Submission: Picture Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane in conversation with His Father. Even as God in the flesh, Jesus understood that His assignment and purpose were rooted in fulfilling the Will of His Father. And it is in this moment that Jesus demonstrates the humility necessary to submit to His authority (Luke 22:42). Submitting places you in a place of safety, understanding that there are levels of accountability in place to protect those willing to yield to Holy authority (Hebrews 13:17).
Fellowship: We understand that because God declared that it was very good when He created man and woman (Genesis 1:27), He desired to be in fellowship and eternal relationship with His creation. Because of this, we do ourselves a great disservice when we forsake assembling in fellowship (Hebrews 10:25). We learned during the pandemic how important it is to appreciate fellowship with one another. If we truly understand the lessons the Lord taught us during that time, we will prioritize being present when corporate worship is involved. Now is the time to commit to God by recommitting to one another.