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1 Samuel 16: 6 – 13 (KJV)

6And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and
said, Surely the LORD's anointed is before him.
7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the
height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as
man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but
the LORD looketh on the heart.
8Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he
said, Neither hath the LORD chosen this.
9Then Jesse made Shammah to pass by. And he said, Neither hath
the LORD chosen this.
10Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel
said unto Jesse, The LORD hath not chosen these.
11And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There
remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And
Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he
come hither.
12And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a
beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise,
anoint him: for this is he.
13Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his
brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward.
So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

1. No matter where we find ourselves in this sanctuary today, we can all agree
that time, though it is constant, affects all of us in different ways in
different circumstances. While one person in the room may want time to
slow down because of how much they are enjoying a particular moment or
season in her life, another person may want time to speed up because they
are struggling with something at the same time within his life. You see a
minute will always have 60 seconds, and hour 60 minutes, and a day 24
hours, but the way in which we respond to the different seasons we
encounter in life seems to impact whether we consider our days to be time
well-spent or difficult times.

2. We can especially understand the consistent, yet fluid nature of time during
this time of social distancing. If we admit it, there are times where we have
said “I wish I could have one week off from work just so I can rest and get
some things done.” We have said things like “man I wish I had the time to
do what I really want to do!” Let’s tell the truth, and admit that we have
even found ourselves on Sunday mornings in the past saying “I really don’t
feel like going to church today, but I know I am supposed to so I am going
to go.” With us being reminded everywhere we look now that we should
stay in the house if we don’t have an emergency, time looks a little
different when the only choice you have is to sit still. I could preach from
the title “be careful what you ask for” and use Proverbs 18:21 as my text—
“death and life are in the power of the tongue” but we won’t mess with
that one today!

3. This concept of time reminds me of a certain preacher I know that had an
issue with being disobedient at times as a little boy. No matter how many
times this preacher was warned about owning up to something when he
did wrong as a child, he thought it would be better to try to hide his
disobedience than to tell the truth when confronted about it. One day, the
little boy was 11 years old and he was playing imaginary basketball with his
brother in front of his house. Some may not know what imaginary
basketball is, but the little boy’s family couldn’t afford a real basketball
hoop, so he and his brother pretended that a particular cinderblock above
the garage of the house was the hoop, and they would aim for that block.
The little boy’s mother always warned him not to play in front of the house
with the basketball, because there were many windows in front of the
house and there could be an accident. The little boy, thinking his mom was

just being a mom, played anyway, and when he blocked his brother’s shot,
the ball went straight into the window and landed in the house in a puddle
of shards of glass.

4. The mother, in her wisdom, came outside and asked what happened, and
the little boy responded with “I don’t know! Somehow the ball just hit the
window!” Now these were the days in which a child didn’t have child
protective services on speed dial on their IPhone, and the mother punished
the child with a whoopin. The mother uttered these famous words that
some in here can probably fill in the blank with—“This is going to hurt me
more than it is going to hurt you.” The little boy replied with, “I can’t wait
to be grown and get out of this house so I won’t be treated like this,” to
which the mom said—“just keep living; this is nothing compared to what
life will bring you if you don’t figure out how to tell the truth.” What’s
worse, is that when all of this was over, the mother took the little boy to a
closet in her room where she had a new basketball hoop in a box that was
due to be put up for him and his brother that same week. This preacher I’m
talking about is me, and my mom was right! Life has a way of being far
more detrimental than a beating if we don’t learn the lesson quickly that
God’s way is better than our way.

5. At the risk of getting too far into my message already, let me encourage
some of you by saying there are some things that God has in store for you,
but His answer to you right now is that you have to wait. While I felt like I
couldn’t wait to be an adult and get my own house, the reality hit me like a
ton of bricks when I was on my own and every bill that came through had
my name on it! While I was at a point where I felt like I couldn’t wait to get
my own car, it felt a little different when I got the car and progressive auto
insurance was just as excited about my car as I was. God is speaking to
some of us today to say don’t despise your waiting period, because if you
knew what He knew, you would be more grateful while in waiting and the
anticipation of what’s to come would be enough for you to give God the
praise! Sometimes, we don’t want to wait because what we see in front of
us seems enticing. I need you to know, however, that there are some
things stored up in the spirit for you that may not be visible in the natural,
but carry weight in the spirit. There are times where you have to forsake
what you see in the natural and focus your eyes on what God is showing
you in the spirit.

    A. The natural will try to tell you that based upon your past, you won’t
amount to anything. But in the spirit, God tells you in Philippians
3:13 to forget those things that are behind and reach unto those
things that are before you, and press towards the mark for the prize
of the high calling in Christ Jesus
    B. The natural will try to tell you that the odds are stacked against you
and there is no way out. But in the spirit, God tells you in Romans
8:37 that you are more than a conqueror through Him that loves us.
    C. The natural will even try to tell you that you cannot afford to wait.
That the promise of God is too distant and you need to solve what
you are feeling and what you are going through now. But in the
spirit, God tells you in Galatians 6:9 to not get weary in well doing,
for in due season, you shall reap if you faint not!
    D. We cannot high-five anyone right now, but I need you to look at
somebody that may be around you or just look your blessed self in
the mirror and say I will walk by faith and not by sight!

6. When we juxtapose our text today to the sermon title, we find an
interesting parallel between a season of waiting and the promised
anointing of both the prophet and God’s chosen man. This is a familiar
biblical encounter between Samuel the prophet and Jesse. Samuel finds his
way to the house of Jesse, even though he was worried about Saul killing
him for coming to anoint his successor. As Samuel arrives, he encounters
Eliab, the eldest son of Jesse, and believes, based upon his appearance and
age that he must be the king that the Lord wants him to anoint. The Lord
gives this experienced man of God a valuable lesson that we will
exegetically park on for a second this afternoon. That lesson is—don’t look
at the countenance, the outer appearance, the height or stature of a
person to decide whether or not they will be used by God.

7. The point to be made from this part of the text is that while man may judge
on what they see, God looks at the heart! Let me tell you that God is funny
about His children; the Bible declares in Ezekiel 18:4 that all souls are His;
you can look down on someone else because they are not like you if you
want to, but from what I see in the Word of God, it’s in our best interest to
treat everyone right! I don’t care if you are driving a hoopty and have just a
few dollars in bank? If you can’t afford all the bling and doing well if you
have just one suit clean? It doesn’t matter what others think about you,
and what others have said about you, I’ve come to tell you don’t be

discouraged, because none of this is a prerequisite for God’s favor and
anointing! What matters is what does God think about you! You cannot
buy God’s anointing with your paycheck, you cannot bargain for it with
your riches, you cannot hustle it through your good looks, and just like
everything else we would try to buy online during this pandemic, you can’t
even get it next-day shipped to you from This anointing I’m
talking about comes as a result of the right heart condition. What is this
heart condition I’m talking about? The psalmist declared in Psalm 15: 1 – 3
Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy
hill? 2He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and
speaketh the truth in his heart. 3He that backbiteth not with his
tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach
against his neighbour.

8. You see we have to treat each other right because you might not be
Eliab, you may not be the one that everyone thought was the anointed
and appointed one, you may not be the one that everyone looks at as
the next great leader in this world, and you may not always look like
you are the one that God is calling to be used, but there just may be
an anointing over you that deserves my respect! I’m so glad that
what man uses to disqualify us God uses to anoint us!

9. Samuel learns quickly from his mistake with Eliab, and moves on to Jesse’s
other sons. He took a look at Abinadab, and said nope... he’s not it. Jesse
brought Shammah before him, and the Lord said no. Jesse, wondering
what is going on here no doubt, brings seven sons before Samuel, all of
which the Lord did not choose. At this point, Samuel knows he cannot
leave before doing what God would have him to do, and asks if there are
any more sons. And Jesse, assuredly thinking he can’t be talking about the
one out there that’s dirty and foul-smelling tending to the sheep,
reluctantly says yes, there is my youngest boy.

10.The Bible declares that David was a ruddy boy, but with a beautiful
countenance and goodly to look to, and the Lord speaks and says “that’s
the one! Anoint him”. This should encourage someone in the house today
to know that when God has a blessing with your name on it, he does not
get confused, sidetracked, or distracted by others. Not only will he put
your blessing into your hands in due timing, but just as he did for David, he

will anoint you right in the midst of your brethren so that you can have the
testimony that God did it, that He made a way, and that blessed you in the
midst of it all! That’s something to shout about! You have a blessing in
heaven with your name on it, and in the fullness of time, your gift will make
room for itself and you can receive front of the line privileges to relieve you
from your back of the line situations!

11. What are you talking about Pastor? Front of the line privileges to relieve
you from your back of the line situations? I want you to know that anything
that happens in our world and happens to us was allowed by God to either
get your attention or to promote you to your blessing. The Bible declares in
2 Chronicles 7: 13 and 14 that God says “If I shut up the heaven and there is
no rain, or if I send locusts to devour the land, or even if I send pestilence
among my people—if my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked
ways, I will hear from heaven... I will forgive their sins.... And I will heal their
land! You get front of the line privilege from God when, even when you
feel like you are in the back of the line and you have been passed over for
your opportunity, you pray. God is looking to pour out His blessing among
some people who say “thou you slay me, yet will I trust you.” God is
looking to pour out a blessing on some people who listen to His voice and
obey even when it is inconvenient. God is looking to pour out a blessing on
some people who are doing the right thing because it’s right, not because
there is a crowd watching. You ought to shout out right now “God pour out
your blessing on me!”

12.I need you to know that you may not have the countenance of Eliab, the
stature of Abinadab, or the height of Shammah, but since you have the
heart of God and a heart for his sheep, He can and He will anoint you in the
midst of your waiting period!

13.What is this waiting period we are speaking of? Sure, David had to wait in
line for the anointing to be bestowed upon him, but his wait was even
more significant than that. After being anointed as the next king of Judah,
David had to wait 15 years before he actually assumed the position of King.
After this, he had to wait another 5 years before he became King of all of
Israel. To add to this, what is interesting about the prophet that anointed
David king well before it happened is that Samuel was also anointed in a
sense before he assumed his role as a priest and prophet. You may recall

Hannah and Peninnah. These were the two wives of Elkanah. Peninnah
was fruitful and was able to have children, but the Bible says that the Lord
had shut up the womb of Hannah. Hannah prayed and said remember me
Oh Lord! The Bible says she spake in her heart, and made a vow that when
the Lord blessed her she would give the male child back to him. She
conceived and had Samuel, named such to mean “I have asked him of the

14.Today, God sent this word to let you know that in your season of waiting,
He is anointing you to have a Samuel experience. What is a Samuel
experience? God said because you have spoken to me from your heart,
and you trust me during your waiting season, I will anoint you to be able to
see in the natural what you have asked for in the spirit! God said I am
anointing you to have a David experience? What is a David experience?
God said I am anointing you now to be equipped for where I am taking you.
That’s the reason why you can be encouraged in your season of waiting,
because while you are waiting, God is scheduling a Qarah with you. A
Qarah is a define collision, and a diving appointment with God! And God is
saying in this Qarah that I have established with you, I am anointing you
just because you waited on His presence. I know you want to get back into
your churches, but God said in this season of wait, let me anoint you afresh.
I know you are ready to get back together with your friends, but God said I
have you right where I want you, because I need to deposit an anointing in
you that is necessary for this next level I am taking you to. I know you are
called and never imagined yourself delivering the word like this, but God
said I know what I am doing, and I am anointing you to declare the gospel
to the four corners of the Earth. I know you are tired of being in your
house, but God said I needed to get you alone to minister to you on what
needed to be fixed for this next assignment I have for you. There’s a song
that says You Can’t hurry God, oh no, no. you just have to wait. You’ve got
to trust Him and give Him time, no matter how long it takes. He’s a God
that you can’t hurry, oh no, you don’t have to worry. He may not come
when you want Him, but He’s right on Time!

15.How do I know this? Because when you wait, God can give you a psalm
27:14 experience—wait on the Lord, and be of good courage, and he shall
strengthen your heart! Wait, I say on the Lord.

    A. If that doesn’t work for you today, how about a Job 14:14
experience—where you determined that all the days of your
appointed time you will wait until your change comes! You should
encourage somebody around you or even on social media and say
your change is coming!
    B. You don’t like that one? Psalm 33:20 says our soul Waiteth for the
Lord, he is our help and our shield! While you are waiting you have
some help!
    C. We almost got it now! How about Psalm 40:1—I waited patiently on
the Lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry! God is not silent
during your waiting season.
    D. We can close it out with Isaiah 40:31--
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    E. You are strong in this season, for God has given you an
anointing to carry you through this period of waiting; you will fly
high in this season like an eagle, for God has given you an
anointing to carry you through this period of waiting; you will not
get tired, you will not pass out, you shall live and not die, and
declare the works of the Lord, for God has given you an
anointing to carry you through this period of waiting.
    F. And while you are waiting for your new season, and while you
are anticipating your blessing, and while you are eager about
what’s to come, remember that God has anointed you in this
season to praise Him for what’s coming in the next season! This
too shall pass! We are coming out of this more anointed than
ever before! And since the anointing destroys the yoke of
bondage, I dare you to praise Him like you are free in this place!
Praise Him right where you may be viewing this message like
you are in the church on a Sunday morning. Praise Him right
where you are like God is still in control. Praise Him for the
anointing because the anointing costs something, but Jesus paid
the price on Calvary!